Suez Showdown: The Suez Crisis of 1956
In the midst of a global struggle for power between superpowers, a sudden invasion of Egypt takes place, threatening the delicate balance of world peace. As France, Israel, and the United Kingdom convene on the Suez Canal, the still-young United Nations General Assembly must find a quick and peaceful resolution following the Security Council's failure to do so. As lines are drawn in the sand, factions within the UN form, and fighting continues; a solution is desperately needed. As states' positions within the international system radically change, delegates must act with creativity, diplomacy, and urgency to prevent further escalation.
Background Guide
Noah Charness
Head Chair
Hello! My name is Noah Charness, I am a junior studying engineering here at Virginia Tech. I am super excited to bring you this committee, where we will talk about one of the most integral crises to shape the current context for international relations.